Deep Sag Corrector (SFCube)

Sag-Free Fluctuation-Free – SFCube
Unlocking SFCube: A closer look inside the power wonder
The TSi-SFCube series (SFCube meaning SFFF – Sag Free Fluctuation Free) ensures uninterrupted operation over a wide range of sag and surge scenarios. With a rapid compensation time of 1 waveform, it aligns seamlessly with the ITIC curve standards, ensuring a consistent power supply to your electronics. It will control, for any length of time, up to a 50% sag event, and bring it within a usable voltage of +/-10%.
Core features/benefits of the products
- SFCube masters sag of any length, ensuring power continuity and endless sag handling.
- It offers optimal sag and surge voltage compensation, along with effective spike and noise control.
- It has a wide tolerance to sudden voltage fluctuations as it handles fluctuations up to 45% of nominal voltage while providing output voltage within +/-2% precision.
- It provides a wide sag tolerance as it handles sag up to 50% of nominal voltage while providing useful output voltage within the ITIC curve.
- It is reliable and quiet as it utilizes static technology for quiet operation, high uptime, and minimal maintenance.
- It delivers real-time compensation as it is always-online Static Compensator
- Engine instantly addresses voltage fluctuations.
- It ensures built-in surge protection with its internal surge voltage protection guaranteeing a trouble-free operation.
- It is equipped with safety features like AC input circuit breakers and load over-current protection, safeguarding valuable equipment.
- It prevents electronic card failures, data corruption, nuisance trippings, and machine breakdowns, leading to higher productivity and lower operating costs.
- Its lightweight and compact design ensures an easy and effortless installation.
It has a wide range of capacities like three-phase 6kVA to 30kVA to choose from.
Three-Phase SFCubeSingle-Phase VRP SFCube

Allow us to present our Three-Phase SFCube Series, available in sizes from 6KVA up to 30KVA. This series offers impressive power efficiency of around 95% even when handling sag of up to 50% of nominal voltage.
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